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Wednesday 21 May 2008

Italy - 1.5 days in

One thing about the Italians, they sure love to smoke. I think it's pretty common in continental Europe but compared to London there are a lot of Marlborough men and women. Had a pretty transport intensive trip over here, it went walk, train, plane, bus, train, walk; it might not sound like much but when you've got 14kg of camera and laptop on your front and slightly more on the back (including a hefty tripod) all this picking up and carrying becomes pretty hard word.

I've met up with Mum and Dad in Levanto, a lovely little town just to the North of the Cinque Terra. For the next week or so the folks are traveling with friends of theirs from back home who I also know, a lovely classic Australian couple Anne and Chris. It was raining the night I first arrived and when I met Chris he was wielding an umbrella and proudly told me of his bartering conquest "I bought this off a guy in Napoli who tried to rip me off, he wanted €5 but I talked him down to €2.65". Yes, that's right, 2 Euro 65 Euro cents. Brilliant.

Today we headed to Rio-something, the bottom town of the 5. Lovely little spot. We managed to hike our way 2 towns up so we've seen 3 so far, it's kind of hard to describe these places, and after a few lazy beers after a full day's walking I don't have the patience to try so I'll just show you some photos.

Enough is ENOUGH! I'm sick of these mother f*cking dogs on this mother f*cking train! (Snakes on a Plane reference)

I really like this shot of Dad for some reason, don't ask me why.

I was well chuffed with this cactus shots. I took a few others and in the main they were, well, cactus, so it was nice to get a good one.

Really love this one, we were walking down a tunnel and I had the 10-20 lens on so I just did some experiementing, this one has the feel of an after life experience I reckon.

Lazy Italian dogs...

So, there you have it, 5 shots that could be taken anywhere in the world. If you want to see standard stunning shots of Cinque Terra do a google images or Flickr search, I might even post a few of my own in good time, until then I hope you enjoy these ones.


Anonymous said...

I really like the shots of the doggies, very cute :-) Have you seen many cats yet? They are everywhere! - Rebecca