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Sunday, 3 January 2010

That was sooo last decade

Yesterday I was issued a challenge from my friend Steve at a BBQ.

"I bet you can't use the phrase 'that was sooo last decade' 10 times today"

The gauntlet had been laid down, and after some clarification on a few things it was game on. The rules were pretty loose and lazy, but the vibe of them was that you had to sneak it in such that any newcomer to the conversation wouldn't think what you were saying was weird, ie it had to make sense and be applicable to the conversation.

I got the ball rolling straight away and by the time I went to my cousin's 21st later that day I was already up to four. With a totally fresh group of people to work with I was in full flight, my sister in law arrived with a new hair colour, a reddish tint rather than her usual blonde.

"Why the change of colour Amanda?"
"I just wanted something a bit different"
"Good call, blonde hair was sooo last decade anyway"

I was chatting with some cousins about my secret mission when one of them asked me what I'd do if hadn't reached the full 10 by the time I went home. I replied that I might have to finish it off online, maybe hit a few chat rooms, only problem being that chat rooms are sooo last decade and it's all about Twitter these days.

Later that night I was at another birthday party discussing favourite words with a journalist, I asked what her favourite word was knowing full that no matter what came out of her mouth my reply was going to be "that word is sooo last decade". Thinking back I probably came across as a bit of a jerk, I needlessly insulted another friend's Champion t-shirt labelling it as last decade's stock.

Unfortunately when it was all said and done I fell two short of my targeted 10. I was obviously disappointed but able to console myself with the knowledge that accepting stupid challenges is sooo last decade.

Speaking of things last decade, or more specifically, last year, I have compiled my favourite shots of 2009. I've excluded shots taken at weddings, this is all personal stuff with a handful of couple shots of friends thrown in for good measure.

Click here for the slideshow, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.


Steve Williams said...