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Tuesday 26 May 2009

A good day

It's been a good day. I've just secured another wedding booking, 4 weddings in 5 weeks in June / July will keep me busy, I've passed my life in the UK test - the first step to British citizenship, I'm enjoying a tasty Jacob's Creek Shiraz and the Flight of the Conchords is on in 68 minutes. Life doesn't get much better than this.

Except for life in Australia, where I spent a hectic, whirlwind fortnight last month. Most of the time was in and around my home town of Adelaide, although I spent a great 2 days in Sydney. I was lucky to be staying close to the Opera House, and even luckier to get a nice sunset on the evening I went to take photos. The eternal struggle as a photographer who loves travelling - to take photos as the sun goes down, or enjoy a few sundowners with good friends and just enjoy the moment? If someone invented a time machine that only sent you back 30 minutes I would be all over that.

The lovely Yvonne

From Australia - Sydney

Bondi Barrels

Opera House Sunset 1

Opera House Sunset 2

Opera House Sunset 3

Sydney Sunset

Manly Moment

Tip of the week
Oh yeah, that's right, the tip of the week is back. Big time. The tip this week is "Take note of Simon's tips of the week". I refer to my TOTW from several months back referring to setting your camera to a narrow aperture when shooting a bright light to create a star effect, my Opera House shots were all shot at f/22 which caused that cool star effect with the sun shining through, had I shot that at f/2.8 it would have looked average instead of awesome. Okay, so it was pretty lame rehashing at old TOTW, promise I'll come up something new next time if I get even 1 comment for this post!


Joel said...

hey simon,
Great blog and amazing photography! I look forward to reading this each week. I especially like the "Manly moment" pic. Is there supposed to be a double meaning to that? Ok, well there's a comment for definately keep the TOTW going! :)

Simon Bills said...

Ha, thanks Joel, I had to put that in there to check if anyone was reading it!

GuruStew said...

Wooo! Tip of the Week! Your American contingent certainly enjoys and appreciates the TOTW feature of your blog. That's right, its a feature.