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Sunday 12 July 2009

It's like rain...... on your wedding day

Alanis Morissette would have considered it ironic. It's not consistent with my understanding of irony, but I guess they do things a little differently in Canada, eh? For me the rain was just something that needed to be worked around, and fortunately right after the ceremony when it needed to be dry, it was.

The wedding of April and Fabian had a bit of an Ashes feel to it, but instead of war it was love. April hails from Brisbane, Fabian from London, they married over here but will shortly be moving downunder to the land of milk and honey to build a life together. Despite the weather the day was loads of fun, an intimate service was followed by a reception at Fabian's folks' place (thanks Ray and Tamison!) complete with a bouncy castle for the kids and a wedding singer for the adults!

My favourite part of the day was when the reception began, April was off with the wedding shoes and on with the thongs (or flip flops if you will), you can the girl out of Brisbane but you can't take Brisbane out of the girl! I love it.