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Tuesday 29 September 2009

Models required for PARIS PHOTO SHOOT!!

Friends, I'm on the lookout for a fun couple keen to head over to Paris for a photo shoot on Monday 19th October.

- Fun couple who like having their photo taken
- Happy to spend a fair bit of time posing for photos
- Can get yourselves to Paris on Monday 19th October (I'll be getting an early train from London and a late train back, circa £79 return)
- Want to make friends jealous with stunning photos in the world's most romantic city

- Looking to build a truly international portfolio
- Loves going on photo shoots like the one in the video below.

Drop me an email if you're interested simon.bills (at )

Photographer Simon Bills in action from Simon Bills on Vimeo.


Adam said...

Hey Billsy,
This one might be a bit left-field, but have you ever thought about doing same-sex civil ceremonies? I'm thinking there might be an untapped market. : )

Simon Bills said...

Haven't really given it much thought Adam to be honest, you're right though, could certainly be an untapped niche market, I suspect London would be a better place than Adelaide due to the market size?

Adam said...

Definitely, London would be the place to tap such a market. I think, sad to say, Adelaide would be unlikely to generate much business.