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Thursday 26 November 2009

Best "Movember - Man on the Street" video EVER

On Sunday my flatmate Gerhard and I headed out to Camden to do something quite unusual. As Danny put it, this really took some "stones".

The stones were actually all Gerhard's to be fair, I was more in the background, but it sure was fun. You see, Gerhard is taking part in Movember this year which involves growing a Mo (or a 'tache as they call them in the UK) for the month of November to raise money and aweness for prostate cancer and men's health issues generally. After 3 weeks of abuse regarding the almost invisible mo Gerhard decided to take it to the streets and see what the general public thought. Take a look to see what the verdict was.

Movember Man on the Street from Dave Gerhard on Vimeo.

For the camera heads out there I was doing the recording on my 5D mkII, first time I'd really used the video function, focussing was a bit tricky but there's loads of potential and HD quality is off the hook.

If you've been inspired by Gerhard's stones or his mustache growing ablilties then I know he'd love your support, you can donate to his charity of choice here.


Dave Gerhard said...

It's pretty much the best video ever made by anyone ever.

Sound effect wise "Nobody Boings Like Simon Bills".

Dave Gerhard said...

I wouldn't be surprised if we won some sort of "Best Video in the History of the Universe" award.

It's got to be right up there anyway. Especially in the "videos made spontaneously with virtually no planning or idea of what the hell they were doing but just went with it" category.