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Sunday 29 November 2009

Wet and wild weekend

Another crazy London weekend for Simon Bills of fame. Friday night saw a Movember house party at our Old St flat where my flat mate Dave was awarded Mo of the match by myself. A magnum of MOet was presented (or maybe it was just a magnum of Waitrose champagne, either way it was pretty tasty from what I remember) and much frivolity was enjoyed.

Mo of the Match from Simon Bills on Vimeo.

Saturday night was the farewell party for my Old Street Photography running mate Danny, he's heading back to Adelaide tomorrow with his wife Bec to see what life has in store for them there. I'll be following suit in the not too distant future too so stay tuned for details. We've agreed to disband Old Street Photography and branch out as individuals with our photography, soon enough there'll be 2 new players in the Adelaide wedding photography circuit so look out!!

I woke up exhasted this morning, never good, but the exhastion was replaced with excitement when I rememberd I was having brunch with Nej! Nej grew up 2 doors up the road from me and a ridiculously large portion of my childhood was spend with him playing basketball, or cricket, or table tennis, or kicking the footy, or swimming, or playing Tomb Raider or just chilling doing whatever, he lives up in Aberdeen these days but was down for the weekend to watch the Masters tennis so it was great to catch up over the biggest fry up I've ever seen.

So, one might imagine that after all this all I wanted to do was have a lie down, and I did want to, but for some reason I decided to head out and play with the video function on my Canon 5D2. Problem being it was absolutely bucketing with rain. I headed down to St Pauls and managed to get a few breaks in the weather before the following happened:

- the rain really started coming down hard
- I accidently walked through a massive puddle and soaked my shoes right through
- I cracked the shits and went to the get the bus home
- I waited 20 minutes at the shelter-less stop and stood unprotected in the pouring rain before the 76 finally arrived
- I rode the bus home for 20 minutes and got off to clear skies

Anyway, I've whipped the footage I took into the following video but it's very much a work in progress.

I'll be back.


Dave Gerhard said...

Just commenting because it will annoy you that it's not someone else. But also noticed that you had 70 fans of your blog which I think is pretty good. But I only know like 10 people and 3 of them are moving to Australia pretty soon so that doesn't really say much.

Then just as I was getting fired up about the number of fans you had, you pulled the star wars ending to today's video out of nowhere which was not in the first draft and was pretty cool. so ya nice one.

Dave Gerhard said...

Also, I'm not sure how many of the six watches of the Mo of the Match were me but probably about 5 of them were because hey, it's a pretty prestigious award.